Website ( new one in process) for Sharon Ní Chuilibín, sharing original music, creativity and inspiration for a soul aligned life. Drawing on a wide skill set rooted in culture, creativity, education, publishing and the healing arts - I facilitate groups, individuals and unique projects that are future orientated, rooted in time honoured wisdom and aspire to a vision of soul aligned, individual & collective healing & transformation.

New Music | Ceol Nua



Coming Soon

Our Spiritual Heritage

Healing at the Roots

Let us find remedy in our roots. As a humanity, we are facing collective & systemic problems, dissociation from nature in a mechanistic soul-denying society. There have been many historical 'turning points' that have brought us to the present day challenges and crises. Offering a soulful journey through Ireland's Spiritual & Cultural Heritage.
Learn more: Bí liom anseo

Soul Realignment

Soul Level Healing & Transformation

Soul Realignment is an empowering form of energy healing that helps us gain insight into the root causes of our issues and challenges in this life and to take action that affirms who we are at Soul level.Soul Realignment is empowering at the level of choice. Rather than feeling powerless within the context of patterns, and blocks and restrictions we may be experiencing - insights received through our Akashic records allows us to see our situation from a soul level perspective : we come to understand the root of those negative patterns of choice and behaviour. We have a compass through which we can make more aligned choices. We can experience more energy and joy as we live in a way that is aligned with who we are at soul level.Opening a Door to Change
Through the Soul Realignment process, we open the door to change. But it is our personal responsibility to walk through that door - we now know what patterns of choice are blocking us : we need to make new choices at the level of action. Do things differently. The beautiful thing is, that as we make new choices and break the
old habits and patterns that have been negating who we are at soul level.
Your IntentionsPrior to a Soul Realignment session, you will be invited to write out your intentions. Ask yourself "what kind of positive change and transformation would I like to see in my life within the next six months?"It is very important to have intentions for this work. It is only through wanting something new and wanting these positive changes that our ‘blocks and restrictions’ become apparent. If we don’t really want change and wish to continue on as we have been - then we will perpetuate those patterns of choice that are blocking our potential.
It is because you want to move forward, that the obstacles become apparent : now you will have some actions to take to make the changes required to come more into alignment with who you are at soul level. Through the insight gained in a Soul Realignment® session, you will have a compass to guide your choices and affirm more of who you are at soul level.
Is it possible to heal the Soul?The Soul doesn’t need to grow or improve yet how we express ourselves and our experience in this life follows us into the next - the level of consciousness & awareness that we have attained is where we begin.If through the reading we discover that there has been Soul Loss, you will receive some homework that can assist you in restoring the Divine Soul Blueprint to healing this trauma. Through this work we restore the soul to how it was created to be at origination. We clear any blocks and restrictions that you yourself created through negative patterns of choice : you gain energy and insight as you align with your soul. Yet this is temporary - the key is for you to continue to affirm who you are at soul level by making aligned choices. This is how real and lasting transformation can occur.Why book a Soul Realignment Session?I offer three kinds of Akashic Record Readings for Soul Realignment®.1. Soul Realignment® Reading**This includes a detailed reading of the Akashic records and a restoration of the Divine Soul Blueprint to as it was at origination. Details of your soul specialisations, your soul group, spirit guides and primary life lesson. Details and clearing of blocks and restrictions which can include many forms of energetic interference - patterns of thought, perception and action that you have participated in to the present day that are negating who you are at soul level. You will receive a 'homework' to do following our session - a simple affirmation to read for 21 days. Insights gained from a reading are intended to lay the foundation for transformation in your life and an increase in life force energy as you learn to make new choices and break the negative patterns that have not affirmed who you are at soul level.2. Situational Reading**
For this service, you will share up to five issues or challenges that you are facing in present time. This can range from relationship and family issues to health, money, career or business issues.
For a Situation Reading, please write out what exactly you are experiencing that is presenting as a challenge or concern and the reading can uncover any energetic root cause issues that can then be cleared. The insight gained from a Situational Reading are designed to assist you to respond in a wise and impactful way to the challenges you are facing.3. Relationship Reading**
This is an opportunity to gain soul level insight into the present life dynamics within a key relationship - this can be a romantic relationship, a parent child relationship, or between friends.Through a Relationship Reading you will learn about the past soul level history that has been shared between the two souls revealing key areas of challenge that may arise. Insights on primary life lessons, soul specialisation and soul group also help to gain understanding of the relationship dynamics. A key element is to reveal and clear negative energetic patterns and influences that have been affecting the relationship.

Intention & Action

As you set an intention for transformation, and how you would like your life to change for the better over the coming six months, you begin the process of transformation. Your intention, ie. because you want to see some changes - will bring those issues to the fore that are blocking you from moving forward, as they show up in the Akashic Records. This can be any number of things - all amounting to an energetic pattern that has been negative for you.The good news is that, through awareness gained in Soul Realignment, you can clear these negative patterns at their root - and initiate a new way of being that affirms more of who you are at soul level.


"Thank you so much Sharon for your wonderful soul healing session. I was amazed at the information you were able to bring through for me just to having my name, date of birth and place of birth. So much about this information resonated deeply within me on many different levels. This has given me for insight and awareness into myself and into my mission here on this earth plane.
You have cleared many energetic blocks that were presenting in my field of experience and that were interfering with my progress.
My homework is ongoing and I'm excited to see what comes through for me as I move forward on my journey.
I would highly recommend a Soul Realignment healing session with Sharon. I throughly enjoyed the process and found it very valuable."
Alice H 'O Gorman

"I had a soul realignment session video call with Sharon.
It was my first experience with this process and Sharon explained it all so clearly to me and held such a beautifully safe and clear space for me throughout.
I found the session to be fascinating, revealing and healing and felt free to go gently at my own pace with the homework.I took my time to do the homework the session and felt no pressure from Sharon trusting to do what is right for me which was very healing.
My life energy now feels stronger and clearer from this work. I feel like my true self again.
I highly recommend to anyone feeling called
to experience soul realignment process.
Sharon is a really gifted practitioner.."

Aoife N

"I found the Soul Realignment work with Sharon to be very powerful. It was enlightening, in the literal sense - shedding light on things - and in a useful way. It shed light on patterns of thought and behaviour, and ways of thinking and viewing things - and on what could be at their roots at the very deepest level.
The homework was a good way to anchor in the session and the detailed information shared, as well as being part of the overall process. It helped strengthen and focus my intention for healing and clearing.
Sharon's calm and focused presence was valuable when looking at challenging past life experiences during the process of the Soul Realignment work.
I would highly recommend Soul Realignment sessions with Sharon Ni Chuilibin."

"I cannot recommend Sharon enough for the soul alignment session(s). She is a very gifted akashic reader and she will help you discover several deeper truths and circumstances about yourself, giving you a map to some of the root causes of your predicament. This will in turn help you to become more conscious around these programs/beliefs that were adopted and that run underneath your actions. The newly gained awareness will expand your capacity for (Self) compassion and (Self) love."Mariana B.


To book a session, please use the form below to send me the necessary details:
Date of Birth, Place of Birth, and Name at Birth.
I will then be in touch to arrange when I can share my findings with you.This is a session via zoom that lasts between one and one and a half hours.*********************
What does it cost ?
The full price for a Soul Realignment® reading is €160,
I want to make this work available to as many people as possible while also honouring the work involved in doing a reading, clearing and presenting to you. A concession rate is €120 and this can be paid as three instalments of €40 ( €40 to book and then two more payments prior to our meetings online). Get in touch with me.
What Next?
Use the form below to contact me sharing your name at birth, date of birth and place of birth & what kind of reading you wish to book. It is recommended to start with the main Soul Realignment® Reading - but if you have a specific issue you would like to address you can book a Situational Reading.
*******************I will be in touch within five working days to arrange when we can meet via zoom, or over the phone. A session usually takes between one and one and half hours. You will receive an audio recording of the session also for your records. It is recommended to listen back to recordings to gain further insights.What Happens Next?Once I receive your booking it can take up to five days to complete your reading.Then we arrange your session where I share my findings with you. This can be via zoom or on the phone and takes 1-1.5 hours.You will receive a simple 21 day clearing homework and a recording of our session that you can keep for your records and listen to again ( recommended).We schedule a follow up session within the 21 days to check in on your progress with the process.Payment includes:1. My time conducting research on your behalf in the Akashic Records ( records of the soul) to access your Soul Blueprint Information and details of the blocks and restrictions that are currently affecting you.2. An Akashic Records Reading (delivered via zoom or phone) where you will receive empowering and detailed insight and awareness of the negative energetic patterns that you have been participating in, by choice. This is actionable information and provides a framework through which you can perceive your own specific soul aligned path ahead.3. Clearing homework for you to do over 21 days.4. A recording of your session.5. Any questions on your session to be asked within 24 hours of our call.6. Follow up check in support call within the 21 days.Please use the form below or you can also email me :

Property Clearing

Property Clearing involves looking at the energetic influences that are associated with any property. These may include negative thought forms, earthbound souls and how the land on which a property has been built has been assigned in the past ie. as a burial ground, battle ground or sacred site. What has happened in any property in the past may continue to have a negative influence in the present. With permission of a property owner, and given a property address - it is possible to research and then clear negative energetic influences from any property, even at a distance.To book a property clearing, please use the form below. This is a wonderful way to uplift the energy of our home environment. You may wish to support your own healing and self expression, or, if you are selling a property, to make it a more attractive prospect.This can be done from a distance and operates through our intention & awareness.

Pathways to Healing

I facilitate variety of healing methods. I have trained in Kundalini Yoga & Meditation & Radiant Child yoga, including specialist training in kundalini yoga for PTSD ( post traumatic stress disorder). I am certified as an advanced practitioner of Soul Realignment®. I have also training and experience in healing through Sat Nam Rasayan, Healing with Dreams and Cutting the Ties.I have also trained with Thomas Hübl in healing Collective and Ancestral trauma.

A Technology of Transformation

I have been teaching Kundalini Yoga & Meditation since 2014. A powerful technology of transformation that can help us to develop radiance, health, vitality and strength - kundalini yoga & meditation can have a profoundly positive impact on one's wellbeing.
I have since taught in schools ( also as Gaeilge), to adults, teens, children and elders and more recently online. Qualified as a level one KY instructor, Radiant Child yoga teacher & trained to deliver a Kundalini yoga programme for PTSD.
I teach a Tuesday evening class in Ballina, Co. Mayo, an online course in yoga for PTSD, and am available to teach one to one classes or group bookings. Get in touch!


Image of students from the PTSD training in Germany, 2017.

And the day came when the risk to remain tight in a bud was more painful than the risk to open"
Anais Nin

Healing from Within

Kundalini Yoga & Meditation for P.T.S.D.

In 2017, I completed a training with the Academy of Life and the pioneering Toronto based teacher,
( poet, writer & social justice activist), Guru Fateh Singh Khalsa.
This was a special training developed through the work of one of Guru Fatha's students, Farah Jindani. As part of her Phd research, Farah Jindani conducted a study of the befits of Kundalini Yoga & Meditation for sufferers of Post Traumatic Stress Disorder ( P.T.S.D.). The programme of Kundalini Yoga & Meditation that I am offering was specifically designed to support the healing of those suffering symptoms of P.T.S.D., as part of that study.The subject of 'trauma' is one that has long interested me. I have had my own share of complex trauma and symptoms of PTSD. I was blessed to be able to travel to Germany for this training.I am glad to finally be able to offer this programme to support others who may be experiencing extreme stress or who have themselves suffered adverse or traumatic experiences.A key part of this programme is that we do not need to share our stories from the past. Instead, we can direct our energy to developing awareness of the present moment and nourish our physiology through movement, breath, sound and deep relaxation.You will receive guidance on setting up a safe space for your practice and learn life skills that can support you far into the future.Trauma is endemic in our world today. To be healed from the impact of trauma in our lives is to be able to access our innate creativity, joy and innocence. It is to be able to meet the future from a place of confidence rather than fear. We can learn to rest in the flow of that infinite energy that is available to us - and cultivate the life force within us.The purpose of this pilot offering is to test and develop resources to support the yoga & meditation programme itself using the Sutra platform for online learning.This course will begin in September 2023 and is offered via zoom one morning a week for eight weeks.If you have any questions about the Kundalini Yoga & Meditation Programme for PTSD, please contact me .

Image of students from the PTSD training in Germany, 2017.

Healing with Dreams

I published a book on Healing With Dreams together with George Rhatigan, in 2022. Having first discovered this modest yet wise healer when I was just 20 years old, it was an honour to be able to support him ( now in his eighties) to share his life's work. George has appeared on radio and television, in the 1990's and continued his healing work for over sixty years. He is known by word of mouth for his profound ability and insight in working with dreams.In the book Healing with Dreams, George shares a lifetimes' inspiration and experience in helping people to heal their issues and transform their lives.To learn more about this work you can visit I have also worked closely with George over the past twenty years, he encourages me to share his unique insights & healing methods in how to work with dreams.If you have a dream that you would like to gain more insight into please use the form below and I will be in touch with you. Remember to give every dream a title ( intuitively without thinking too much about it ).

Academy of Dreams

Dreams sometimes seem like very crude educational aids of the soul. We receive through images and symbols - and it is up to us, not only to make sense of this language, but to respond to the message - if we choose to do so. Often, the images we receive are a way of asking us " is this what you want'? Dreams can really get our attention!Perhaps you have a recurring dream... or a particularly upsetting one that has caused some alarm. Know that you can always re-enter your dream and change it around. Point your finger at the monster, change colours, break down walls.. the possibilities are endless! Rather than being passive observers, our dreams invite us to engage with our creativity. George insists that this is where their true power lies. We can learn to take responsibility as we are the powerful creators of our own experience.Send up to three dreams and receive intuitive guidance on how you can work with these living images in your dreams.


I have been artist in residence at two primary schools exploring visual art, story, music and song.

TAP ( Teacher Artist Partnership) Residency at Charlestown Primary School - 2nd Class
This is a short film to share original songs and visual art created by the children

"Níl Uasal ná íseal ach thuas seas is thíos seal"

"There is no high born or low, only ups and downs" ( Irish Saying)

Some Creative Projects

Tory Island Living Archives

The Tory Island Living Archives is a project funded by Creative Ireland in 2021 that I initiated with the support of Loic Jourdain of Lughfilms( Director of "Island of Gods" & "Turning tide in the life of man" ). This is an initiative to create a digital online presence for the island of Tory, oileán Thoraigh.

Teacht i dTír

The short film below featured in the exhibition "Teacht i dTír". Is shows footage of a historic race between two currachs of Dún Chaochán that took place in autumn, 2022. This is a five man currach that was used by fishermen for hundreds of years here in Béal Derrig, Co. Mayo. These currachs are of a unique design and feature a steering oar. The rowing team use 16 foot oars.
It is remarkable that in over 250 years, the fishing records of the area show that not a single life was lost at sea in one of these boats, despite the fact that fishing for salmon in the atlantic required the men to brave the most stormy seas.
This race featured a local team and visitors from Currach na Sceirí, in Co. Dublin, featuring three Mayo born men.
The last time such a race was held in Béal Derrig was in 1953. Author and Breandán Mac Conamhna who fired the starting shot for this race, remembers the last race 69 years ago - his father fired the starting shot that day.
It is anticipated that races will continue to be held here in coming years, celebrating the local heritage and this beautiful and unique five-man currach of Mayo, Ireland.

Tearmann Teanga

"Tearmann Teanga"
or "Sanctuary of Language", grew out of my own emotional experience of finding refuge in the Irish language. In resonance with the vision of Tory Island Living Archive, I have been reaching out to language communities of place. One such community is to be found on Cape Breton island, Nova Scotia, where islanders of Scots heritage have been working to promote and animate Scots language and culture. I was Inspired by the work of the Gaelic Narrative Project and had the great pleasure and blessing to share many conversations with a wonderful woman called Frances Mac Eachen and later this extended to conversations with Shannon Ni'n Aonghus and Amber Buchanann who have an initative "Freumh is Fás" and a dream of establishing an eco village arts center to promote Scots language and culture. I am excited by the great potential for collaboration, synergy and exchange that this connection makes possible between our two cultures - two island communities seeking to enliven the roots of our shared humanity.

Online Gatherings

As part of seachtain na Gaeilge 2022, I hosted an online gathering together with Shannon & Amber of Freumh is Fás, and Frances Mac Eachen of the Gaelic Narrative Project. This was a journey of encounter and shared experience for the Scots Gaelic community of Cape Breton and the Irish.I look to develop Tearmann Teanga, as a way to nourish community and the emotional dimensions of engaging with language and culture, recognising that one may be on a journey of reclamation & healing. Language lives in the spaces between us - how can we nourish our humanity through this shared process?

To receive updates on forthcoming online gatherings please email me


Other Audio

In the above recording, listen to Donegal currach builder and author, Donal Mac Polin talk about 'Droichead na ndeor" and the toll of emigration on rural Ireland.

Ceol : Music

"Tá Dóchas Ann : There is Hope"

New single "Meadowsweet" available on Bandcamp.

"Aisling Gheall" ( traditional )

"Flow" ( original song)

"I am the Light of my Soul"

"An Eye for an Eye"

Original music

New music and songs in Irish & English. On classical, acoustic and electric guitar, frame drum, tin-whistle, low whistle, sruti box, percussion & vocals.Currently recording a collection of original songs in Irish, healing mantras, nature songs & setting poetry to music."Gael-teacht"
A performance of original songs, storytelling and poetry exploring the Irish language with humour.
For booking enquiries contact via email

Irish Medicine

Imram Anama

Éire & A Global Paradigm Shift

When I first
offered this as a pilot programme in 2021, I was called to the sharing of this portal of connection to re-weave threads of wonder and meaning and bridge the emotional gap of longing that so many seem to experience: through loss of connection to the earth, through loss of connection to their ancestors. Grief knows no manners. Try as we might, the emotional chasms that exist and keep us, as a humanity, running ever faster - ever seeking for 'something' are also the portal to peace, to acceptance, to healing.
Ireland, as a symbolic and spiritual home of Christianity has known many knocks in her initiation as a wounded healer. The role of Ireland as a cradle of light, truth and learning was central, vital and heroic at the time of those "dark ages" in Europe. That was long before the "discovery" of America.Ireland, Éire, is also the first country to be colonised, to experience cultural subordination to a ruling authority. Yet, that indomitable spirit lives on though the longing lament and emotional tenor of music, poetry and in the beauty of her mountains, lakes and seas, in the courage to envision a better future for all.Irish Medicine, Imram Anama, is offered as a six week online course that is available via zoom and through the educational platform Sutra. Each week will include embodiment exercises, meditation, live music, poetry, teachings and guided visualisations to help you to deepen your connection and understanding of the land of Irleand.
We will be journeying through the elements, earth, fire, water, air and ether - to gain the gifts & lessons of each as we land ever more fully on the earth.
To see with new eyes, eyes alive through wonder.Please contact me if you would like to join - I aim to offer this as a global space of conversation and connection, guiding a journey of remembering the spiritual roots of western civilization, reclaiming our connection to earth, soul and one another.Go raibh míle maith agat

Cutting the Ties

"Growing up & Moving On"

"Cutting the Ties" is a process that was developed by Phyllis Crystal and which I have studied with George Rhatigan over the past twenty years having received great benefits myself. Please contact me via email, and I can share more details with you and discuss whether this would be an appropriate healing process for you to work with yourself.As part of the process of Cutting the Ties, over a six to eight week period you make a commitment to listen to a daily meditation, record  your dreams, and do regular journaling to deepen your understanding, self awareness and self knowledge with regard to the person / ( or issue) that you have decided to "cut the ties" with.Cutting the Ties does not mean a brutal rejection or final distancing from someone - but rather, it is a process of "growing up and moving on" allowing us to gain perspective on the experiences of our past and then achieve a maturity to be able to forgive and let go of that which no  longer serves us. This leads to greater perspective and maturity. The process brings us in contact with the power of our subconscious mind, the power of symbols and the importance of committment & intention as we seek to work on ourselves.Contact me if you would like to arrange a call to discuss this work with me.

"The well-being of all worlds depends on your own..."Hafiz


I would like to recommend the “Cutting the Ties “ process to others as I’ve found it very beneficial.Sharon, gently guided me through the process with her music and voice, where I experienced a deeper knowledge of myself and a greater understanding of interpersonal relationships and perceptions. I also found a sense of strength, peace and gratefulness afterwards.The journey was sometimes difficult and uncomfortable but constantly enlightening as it revealed areas that needed attention and growth within.Sharon's knowledge was invaluable to the process as her voice and feedback was able to give steadiness to uncertainty and clarity to what I thought indecipherable.I feel that “ Cutting the Ties “ has been a very worthwhile part of my journey.Le Buíochas,Robert Brosnan


You can contact me via text message on 087 155 0473
Or email me here

Retreat- Tearmann

Ag tabhairt spás don chroí is don anam . Ócáid gur féidir linn éisteacht lastuigh, le guth an anam. Gur féidir linn ár scíth a ligint agus feasacht níos doimhne a fháil fúinn féinn. Bíonn tearmann ar súil le béim ar an cneasú chroí, le ceol beo, le kundalini yoga agus machnamh agus am suaimhneach i croí lár an nádúr.Allowing space for our heart and soul to heal. A retreat is an opportunity to listen to the wisdom within, to the voice of our soul. Allowing ourselves to relax deeply and arrive at deeper awareness about ourselves and our lives for the time ahead. For these healing retreats there is an opportunity to enjoy deeply nourishing and healing practices, live music, healthy food and deep relaxation within a beautiful natural environment.

To heal is to become whole. In our fragmented world, healing starts within. These retreats offer an opportunity to nourish the soulful essence within us featuring the rooted awareness of our ancestral wisdom and heritage, ancient time tested kundalini yoga & meditation practices, creative expression and live music. Nourishing seasonal and vegetarian food is provided. Optional one to one healing sessions are also included.


St. Brigit's Weekend Retreat
for women

2nd-4th February 2024

Remembering Brigit, goddess and christian saint, our female ancestors and all those women who have held the torch of a better world for all. The watch words of Brigit are the fire of determination, courage and commitment, the torch of compassion and healing. She is the patron of blacksmiths and poets, a leader of her community and a maiden who brings the springtime. In pre christian Ireland, Bríd was daughter of the Dagdha and a goddess whose name means 'Exhalted One".I am looking forward to hosting a special weekend retreat inspired by Brigit : Bríd. This will be an opportunity to gather together under the cloak of this powerful female leader, pioneer and healer.******This will be an opportunity to cultivate your creative energy and life force. Together we will share time honoured Kundalini Yoga & Meditation practices, releasing stress and allowing the body to deeply relax. We will also explore Ireland's spiritual heritage and the traditional stories, teachings and practices around Brigit, goddess and saint. You will gain awareness of the movement of creative energy through the year within the Celtic Calendar and how you can work with this for your own creativity and healing.
Each morning starts with a Sadhana with live music, healing yoga and meditation. Workshops will focus on cultivating the inner fire, resilience and creative capacity as we seek to heal ourselves, deepen our dignity so that we are rooted in our true soul nature. The beautiful natural surroundings feature a freshwater river and woods where you can commune with nature. We will also share delicious and nutritious organic and vegetarian food, prepared with love.
A 1:1 healing session is also included where we allow time to focus on whatever challenges you may be facing to explore how we can bring healing and transformation.
Full Price: €370 / Early Bird till January 25th €330Contact me if you might like to come and pay by instalments.
A deposit of €100 secures your place


Friday 2nd FebruaryArrival
( from 4pm)
Nourishing soup and bread on arrival.
Finding rooms, orientation, addressing any additional needs.
Setting up a schedule for healing sessions.
Arrival in the workshop space by 6pm
Opening Circle
We begin by making St. Brigit’s crosses together using natural rushes to ease into the weekend together. Everyone will have made at least one St. Brigit’s cross before we begin.
Starting Opening circle at 6.30pm. Remembering our female ancestors and Brigit. Exploring the significance of Imbolg as a threshold and ancient Celtic festival. Remembering Ireland’s indigenous spiritual heritage and culture. Sharing traditional songs to honour Brigit & welcome the spring.
Short introduction to meditation and kundalini yoga practice.
Dinner 8.00 pm9.00 pm
Music & Meditation
Evening music & guided meditation for a restful sleep.
Bring a candle, something representing female ancestors. Something for the altar.
*******************Saturday 3rd FebruaryEarly morning Sadhana
(join as you can. Yoga practice begins at 6.30am
Chant starts at approx. 7.30am)
Song of the Soul. Yoga and meditation practice. Deep Relaxation. Kirtan and live music.
10.30 am
Creativity and the Celtic Calendar
In this session we explore our relationship with time and the changing of the seasons. For this you will plot out your own journey through the year using the Celtic Calendar and have an opportunity to reflect and integrate insights and knowledge. The wisdom of St. Brigit, goddess and saint is one of connection to the poetry of life, to the elemental force of fire and to the passion of our life force energy. What keeps your inner fire burning & how can you support your own creative spark? We focus on what makes our heart sing and seek to anchor this into our approach to the year ahead so that we can live in alignment with the wisdom of our soul.1.00pm-2.00pm
Honouring the Heart:
Compassion and self compassion

In this healing workshop we will nourish the space of the heart, through the breath, through movement and awareness. Our aim is to bring balance between the head and the heart, to open the flow of energy to the heart and to invite a space of deep connection so that we may listen to the still and clear voice of our soul. The practice of Kundalini yoga allows us to deepen our awareness to become more connected to self and therefore to allow deeper relationships with others.
We seek to cultivate the courage and resilience of our hearts. Healing meditation practice.
Nature Connection
An Nádúr Beo : Connecting to nature and the emergence of springtime
Relish the ease and beauty of the natural world in the beautiful forest grounds of Kitegan where the waters of the river carry our intentions, our vision and our prayers.
7.00pm - 8.00pm
Dinner - Am Dinéar
8.30pm -10pm
Kirtan : Devotional Chant & Song
Evening kirtan, mantra and sacred song concert. Singing in prayer together to invite peace and healing into our lives and into our world. Closing with healing meditation.
****************************Sunday 4th February
Sadhana 6.00am - 8.30am
Early morning practice to greet the dawn with the song of the soul,
yoga practice and chanting with live music and deep relaxation.
8.30-10.00 am
10.30 am
Fire in the Belly : Nurturing the Creative Soul
Brigit, goddess and saint is associated with the element of fire which is associated with purification, with passion and purpose. When we cultivate creativity in our lives, it allows us to take radical responsibility through awareness. What kind of world are we creating ? What kind of environment? As we hold our soul's torch high to lead our way forward, we invite clarity and courage on the path ahead.
In this workshop we share Kundalini yoga and meditation to cultivate our intuition, inspiration and creativity. How does the fire element live within us? How can we cultivate our inner fire? Bring your candle to this workshop.
Meditation for Courage.
1.00pm -2.00pm
Closing Ceremony
Brigit is the maiden. She is a bold trailblazer who fearlessly charts her own course in turbulent waters. Deeply animated through her faith in both herself and the divine source of all life - she confronts the perceived limitations of the material world to courageously envision a world infused with that warmth of heart and the light of passion & purpose.
Sharing our journey, insights and reflections.
Healing meditation with live music.
Gathering our candles with a blessing for the times to come.

ARRIVALS : Dé hAoine- Friday from 3.30 PMCLOSING : Dé Domhnach - Sunday 3.30 PM

*You can reserve your place for this retreat by paying a deposit of €100 - payment plans also available to cover the costs please contact me directly
on 087 155 04 73. Sharon.

Soul Sessions : Bookings

A Creative Soul Session can support you to live a more soul aligned life, to access more energy and joy through expressing who you are. This form of energy healing can be delivered anywhere in the world and the process completed via phone or video call.It is 60 euros to book a Creative Soul Session with the balance of the payment due prior to our meeting.A payment plan can also be arranged on request.

Once you have made a booking please send me your details.
Please allow at 48 hours for a response.
To do this work, I will need your:
Date of Birth
Place of Birth
Name at Birth
I will do the research in the akashic records on your behalf and then schedule our Session which will be 1-1.5 hours duration and is recorded for you to keep. I will share insights gained from my research in the akashic records from this and past lives, using this soul level perspective to identify patterns that you are currently engaged with that negate who you are at soul level. I will also support you to identify some key actions you can take to align with who you are as soul so that you can experience more joy and abundance in your life. The more we express who we are at soul level - the more energy we can access. You will also be given some basic and pleasant clearing homework to do.
The energetic support of this work opens a window of opportunity to create lasting transformation in our lives.
I like to schedule an additional 1/2 hour check in call about 21 days following the initial Soul Session. This is included in the price.I look forward to supporting you to live your own Creative Soul!!!

Soul SessionA 1-1.5 hour Creative Soul Session call where you will learn about your Divine Soul Blueprint and gain insight on the blocks and restrictions to your Creative Soul. Also includes clearing homework, our session recording & follow up call.*****€160
Relationship ReadingUnderstanding relationship dynamics from a soul level perspective. Healing negative blocks and restrictions within the relationship. Suitable for couples, child/parent, business partners, friends.******€120
Property AlignmentAre there any negative energetic influences affecting your home or business property? Insights and energetic clearing. Can be done from a distance. Can assist in bringing harmony to the home environment - and improve chances of a sale if property is on the market.*******€60
Situational ReadingGaining insight into the root cause of life issues and challenges. Includes energetic clearing of negative blocks and restrictions.********€160
Healing with DreamsSend up to two dreams. We meet via zoom or phone call so you can then learn how to work with these dreams to support your healing process. Please allow seven days for a response.*********€60

Healing | Cneasú

Kundalini Yoga
& Meditation

Soul Realignment®

Cutting the Ties

Soul Realignment®

Cutting the Ties Process


For Peace : All Land is Holy

"An Eye for an Eye"
In the writings of Levinas, the Jah-YOU-ish Talmudic scholar, the concept of 'Ish-RA-el' is understood a -state of grace- to which all the earth is beholden.
"I release any energies and emotions that are not mine.."Over these past months there has been a clear escalation of conflict energy. This may take us out of our centre and into feelings of overwhelm and grief or frustration.A present challenge is to remember that, regardless of religious or cultural narratives, whether one is rich or poor, each is a human being with a soul and a child of God. The materialism that would set possession and greed above the perspective of the soul, is in firm opposition to all the teachings of enlightened leadership, in any religious or spiritual tradition - we know that guns and bombs sow seeds of hatred, chaos and fear.As Marvin Gaye once sang ( here's my version of What's Going On ) :
"Only Love can Conquer Hate".
Too long for peace, for healing for forgiveness, for reconciliation.To acknowledge the roots of violence, buried deep within a complex experience of trauma. Each of us may also become traumatised through our experiences of feelings of helplessness as witnesses of these ongoing atrocities. The incalculable losses, the pain and suffering of innocent women and children as casualties of war. This is a a spectacle of power and control. We can pray for Peace and global conversation to change the old system.As women, we cradle and nurture a vision of a future where there is peace and prosperity for all of our children. To cherish human life and to honour the cultural inheritance of all people.What if collectively, the soul of all human beings, the children could be cherished equally ? From the perspective of the creator, One Source of all Life on this planet, once one has the capacity to honour and affirm infinity, one perpetuates Life. We witness a historic tragedy in how a secular State has hijacked the symbolism of a religion.When a Bully has taken over, what can one do? Remember that the bully is often one who was themselves abused. Their displays of power and threatening stance serves only to further entrench them in a futile and pathetic trajectory of self-destruction. At that point, the bully will need to be recognised as a threat to themselves, as well as others. Pity and Courage is needed. Yet, what can one do when a bully is endemic, when the poverty of spirit and spiritual understanding is all pervasive ?What Can We Do?Stand up to the bully within oneself.We can all call upon the divine, the wisdom of our higher consciousness, through prayer and a focused intention of healing, wholeness and integrity. May the foundations of our actions be rooted in the enduring truth of our soulful higher self, rather than the shifting contingencies of duality and conflict.To connect with our higher consciousness, our higher self is to bring in the enduring joyful creativity and expansive energy that paves the way to peace and through peace.The bully within is like a dogmatic automaton, soulless and fearful.
That 'nanny' figure is a force within each of us that can block and limit us, within our subconscious mind. Like an over-worried mother figure, it really only wants to protect us, but in the end is a negative and destructive force. It is ruled by fear. It is foreclosed against new experiences and positive change. So long as the bully is in charge, one can never truly live ! Collectively we are doomed to the contingencies of the past - looking always in the rear view mirror and entrenched in the numbness of rigid trauma thinking.
So long as the dynamic continues we have a spectacle writ large of our own inner collective struggle with the 'God' forces within us - that inner life force of creativity and benevolence. That same force that pushes through the green grass, that opens through the buds and the leaves and the flowers. How can we align with that newness, that courage that
creativity? That joy!
Otherwise, we collectively participate and are complicit in an enduring nightmare that perpetuates nightmares.
How many beautiful creations, how much love and care and family is lost though war? How many homes? How much hope?Hope and Love are active forces.
Each of us can arise from our numbness and begin to create a new vision that we can share for a better tomorrow.


Creative Coaching
Support for project development
Ideation, Insight, Articulation
Editorial & Feature Writing
Musical Composition

Well Being

In Person Classes continue at Pearse Street, Ballina , Co. Mayo on Tuesdays - 7.30pm. Contact me for more details.Kundalini Yoga & Meditation for PTSD- online course-
(Post Traumatic Stress)

One to One Kundalini Yoga & Meditation Class
Cutting the Ties
Soul Realignment®

[Or send me an email Sharon(at)]